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What to Avoid After a Dental Surgery

What should be avoided after dental surgery?

Dental surgery can have different results depending on the type of surgery, as well as the individual patient. In any case, it is perfectly normal to feel pain or discomfort in the area that was operated on. Not to worry, however, some actions can be taken after the operation to promote your recovery and cause the side effects to disappear more or less quickly.

Here are some things to avoid after dental surgery to help you heal.

Bleeding after dental surgery

Some dental procedures, such as wisdom tooth extraction or dental implant placement, can cause bleeding for up to 2 hours after surgery. Bleeding may also occur within 24 hours.  To prevent bleeding, it is recommended not to rinse your mouth for 24 hours after the operation, even if the bleeding causes an unpleasant taste.

It is also recommended to avoid anything that could increase your heart rate or prevent blood clotting. Therefore, in order to avoid major bleeding, it is not recommended to engage in intense activity 48 hours after dental surgery. Alcohol that thins the blood and tobacco should also be avoided to avoid weakening the inside of the mouth and causing an infection that would slow your recovery.

A painful jaw after dental surgery

You may have difficulty opening your mouth during the first 7 to 10 days after the operation. This discomfort is mainly due to the fact that your mouth remained open during the operation. The jaw must therefore adapt to the changes it has undergone. Forcing your mouth open is strongly discouraged, as it may increase the pain. This is because forcing on the bones and muscles of the jaw will activate blood circulation and therefore lead to increased inflammation.

Therefore, after dental surgery, it is recommended to avoid chewing gum or eating hard foods, as this can intensify post-operative pain. Stick to soft foods and liquids instead.

Swelling caused by dental surgery

Swelling may appear on the face after dental surgery. This usually persists for 24 to 48 hours after the operation and can take up to 10 days to completely disappear, after which bruising can form for a few days.

You can apply a cold compress with ice to reduce your swelling and minimize the pain. However, avoid applying heat. This could have the opposite effect and make it worse.

You can apply a warm compress on the second day after the operation to relax the tissues and promote healing.

Minimize your recovery time

It is quite normal to experience pain for the next 24 to 72 hours after dental surgery. Avoiding certain habits that could complicate proper healing after surgery and following your surgeon’s post-operative instructions will minimize your recovery time.

Have you had surgery and want to discuss your post-operative symptoms with an oral and maxillofacial surgeon or just want more information? Contact the Clinique MFML team. Our specialists are at your disposal and will answer all your questions.

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Dental Implant Surgery