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Oral Surgery: What Foods Can You Eat After an Operation?

What foods can you eat after oral surgery?

From a “banal” wisdom tooth extraction to more complex oral surgeries, many people have undergone maxillofacial procedures. Undergoing oral surgery is not only an overwhelming experience, but also a very incapacitating experience after surgery, since you must adapt your diet to avoid interfering with the recovery process.

Foods with a liquid, puree or soft texture after oral surgery

Oral surgery often causes jaw pain after the procedure. These postoperative pains are normal, but inconvenient for your diet. Foods with liquid (soup, milk, drink), pureed (vegetable puree, fruit compote) or soft (omelette, fish, ground meat) textures are preferred because they do not require significant effort when chewing. These foods will do little to strain the jaw muscles that can make your pain worse. In addition, these textures are not aggressive to your teeth or palate, so your wounds will not be affected. We also recommend that you eat a mild diet, neither too hot nor too spicy, on the day of your procedure to reduce the risk of bleeding or wound irritation.

Our advice for a less painful postoperative period

Switch from liquid to puree then soft textured food to make sure your wound heals properly, without complications from your diet. Also, if you have had wisdom teeth extracted, it is best to chew your food with your front teeth.

Foods rich in calcium, protein and vitamins C and D

In order to accelerate the healing and recovery process, your diet should be composed mainly of foods rich in calcium, protein and vitamins C and D.

Dairy products

Milk, milky drinks, yogurts for calcium intake.

Various vegetable soups

Lentils, green peas, broccoli and mushrooms are among the vegetables with the highest protein and antioxidant content.

Vitamin C intake

Orange or lemon juice and red fruit smoothies are excellent sources of vitamin C.

Vitamin D intake

Salmon, trout and eggs (as well as milk) are foods rich in D vitamins that you should also include in your postoperative diet.

Our advice for food preparation

To incorporate solid food into your mostly liquid diet, consider cooking your food long enough to be as soft as possible, or even grinding it into a puree or soup.

Baby formula can save time

If you lack the time or planning to prepare soft dishes, baby food is a good food alternative after surgery. A wide variety of baby formulas are available in grocery stores and pharmacies to save you time. If your schedule allows you to spend time in the kitchen, you can prepare dishes that you are used to eating and think about mashing them.

Our advice

Avoid eating baby food exclusively because its nutrients are not intended for the adult body. The small jars can help you out many times, but homemade dishes are more appropriate. Or you can try liquid meal supplements.

What to remember about post-operative oral surgery foods

Proper nutrition is an important part of the postoperative instructions and will ensure that your wound heals and recovers completely. The risk of infection will also be significantly reduced. For this, get as much calcium, protein and vitamins as you can in the form of liquids, puree or soft foods. Your recovery will be as smooth as possible!

Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or need advice.

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