When should a bone graft be considered?

Dental bone grafting is a little-known, but fairly common procedure. And while it may seem complex at first, this surgical procedure is easier to perform than you might think.

Want to learn more about bone grafting and the different cases in which this procedure is necessary? The implantology and maxillofacial surgery specialists at Clinique MFML tell you everything you need to know.

What is a dental bone graft?

Bone grafting is a surgical procedure that can be performed by oral and maxillofacial surgery specialists. The procedure involves the reconstruction of the alveolar bone, which is the jawbone into which the roots of the teeth are implanted, and is necessary in certain cases.

What material is used for dental bone grafts?

The material used for dental bone grafting can be taken from the patient at a second intraoral surgical site (autograft) or from an external source, either from a donor (allograft), from an animal source (xenograft) or from a synthetic source.

Why should I have a dental bone graft?

There are many cases where a bone graft can be considered and strongly recommended by your maxillofacial surgeon.

Bone grafting for dental implants

If you are a candidate for dental implants, your oral and maxillofacial surgeon may recommend a bone graft procedure.

When the alveolar bone does not have the required characteristics to receive a dental implant or implants, a dental bone graft will be necessary.

A graft may be necessary when the jawbone is not high enough to receive an implant or when the bone is not thick enough, as well as when the insertion path is not optimal. Bone grafting will then solidify the bone structure for the .

Bone grafting for alveolar bone resorption

Teeth in the alveolar bone provide natural stimulation. Among other things, the presence of teeth in the alveolar bone allows the bone to maintain its proper height and thickness. Through occlusal forces during chewing, the roots of the teeth transmit and distribute pressure to allow for bone remodeling.

However, when a natural tooth is missing due to congenital absence or extraction, the alveolar bone is no longer sufficiently stimulated, which causes atrophy (loss of bone volume).

The more teeth are missing, the more bone degradation occurs. In this case, bone grafting is used to restore the volume of the alveolar bone in preparation for the placement of dental implants.

Bone grafting to preserve your teeth

Many diseases can compromise gum integrity and weaken the stability of teeth. If they are not treated in time, they can even cause tooth loss. A bone graft can increase bone mass while preserving the stability of the teeth.

How does a dental bone grafting procedure work?

A dental bone grafting procedure is usually performed under local anesthesia and lasts from one to one and a half hours.

An incision is made to remove the gum from the bone and determine the amount of bone required for the graft. The graft is then attached to the site with screws, before the gum is put back in place and closed with dissolvable sutures. The sutures will fall out 7 to 10 days after the procedure, while the screws will be removed when the dental implant is placed.

This gum surgery should only cause mild pain. Antibiotics and painkillers will be prescribed following the procedure.

Healing time varies from one patient to another. It generally takes between 4 and 6 months for the surgeon to judge that the healing process is complete and to be able to proceed with the placement of dental implants.

Dental bone grafting: a solution for strong dental implants

In short, dental bone grafting is a surgical procedure that can be useful, especially in preparation for a dental implant or to counteract the resorption of alveolar bone.

The surgeons at our Montreal maxillofacial surgery clinic have all the experience and equipment you need to perform bone grafts correctly. If you believe that your situation requires a bone graft, we welcome you to contact us now.

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