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Bone Graft for Dental Implant: What You Should Know

Everything to know about bone grafts for dental implants

Dental implant placement is a very common procedure performed to replace one or more missing teeth. Although it is common, some patients may wait several months before they are ready to receive their implants. This is because bone grafting is sometimes required before a dental implant can be placed.

What do you need to know about bone grafts for dental implants? When is it necessary? What are the different techniques used to perform it?

Find all answers to these questions in this article.

When should a bone graft procedure be performed?

Bone grafting is a procedure that is often performed before placing a dental implant. When a tooth is missing from the arch, the alveolar bone in the gum is no longer stimulated and may deteriorate over time.

If a patient waits too long to proceed with a dental implant, a bone graft may be necessary to ensure that the implant is properly attached to the jaw.

To determine when a bone graft should be considered, the maxillofacial surgeon will perform a 3D x-ray to analyze the bone structure of the patient’s jaw. The specialist will then determine if this procedure is necessary before placing the implant.

How does dental bone graft work?

Dental bone grafting is used to augment the volume of bone in the alveolar area of the jaw. During the procedure, the maxillofacial surgeon uses one of several techniques to regenerate and obtain the necessary bone volume for the placement of a dental implant.

There are different bone augmentation techniques that a specialist can use to prepare the patient’s mouth for a dental implant. Let’s take a closer look at them.

Bone grafting techniques

  • Post-extraction bone grafting: For a variety of reasons, a patient may need to have a tooth extraction to maintain oral health. In this case, the surgeon will immediately fill in the bone to avoid resorption of the alveolar bone and to ensure that it can accommodate the implant a few months later.
  • Pre-implant bone grafting: This technique consists of increasing the bone volume of the jaw in height or thickness. The graft can be from different sources.
  • Sinus lift: The sinus lift technique is used only in preparation for the placement of a dental implant to replace molars or premolars in the upper jaw. The surgeon drills into the bone to access the sinus membrane and raises it. The surgeon then fills in the bone in the space left and closes the gum.

What are the different types of grafts that can be used?

The graft used for bone filling can come from several different sources. The graft can therefore be sourced in the following ways:

  • Autogenous: The autogenous graft is taken directly from the patient. Usually, in minor fillings, bone is taken from the chin or wisdom teeth area. For larger fillings, bone may be taken from the tibia, hip or even the skull.
  • Allogenic: the graft comes from a human bone other than that of the patient. These grafts come from specialized laboratories that ensure that they are perfectly safe.
  • Xenogenic: Xenogenic graft means that it comes from another animal species. These bones are normally of porcine, bovine or equine origin.
  • Alloplastic: This means that the graft is synthetic in origin. An alloplastic graft is usually made of a mixture of phosphate and calcium.

Bone grafts for dental implants at Clinique MFML

Bone grafting is a surgical procedure that aims to increase the volume of the jawbone in order to strengthen it before a dental implant is placed. There are several techniques and types of grafts that can be used to meet the specific needs of each patient and help them regain a healthy smile.

Our maxillofacial surgery clinic uses state-of-the-art tools and techniques to provide our patients with the best possible dental implant services. To benefit from the care of our surgeons, contact Clinique MFML today.

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