What is prognathism and how can it be treated?

The jaw is a set of structures that are complex but crucial to our proper functioning. Much more than just a simple tool that allows you to process food, the jaw can sometimes develop abnormally.

Prognathism is a condition that results from a malformation of the jaw. This article will inform you about the nature of prognathism and the treatment that can be used to correct it.

How is prognathism defined?

Prognathism is defined as a malformation of the jaw. It results in an offset between the upper and lower jaws due to the fact that the bottom jaw is more prominent than the other. The clinical manifestations of prognathism are directly related to the malformation of the mandible, which is the only movable bone in the skull.

When prognathism is not caused by acromegaly gigantism, the disease develops from the moment the individual is born. It results from anomalies during the embryonic development of the individual. Sometimes the cause of its appearance is genetic. On the other hand, some forms are purely developmental.

What are the symptoms of this malformation?

Many symptoms are related to this malformation. These include a more prominent lower jaw, excessive tooth wear, misalignment between the upper and lower teeth. Other signs include difficulty chewing and swallowing and, in some cases, facial asymmetry.

Prognathism effects

Prognathism has many effects on the body. Moreover, when this anomaly affects the lower jaw more directly, the patient suffering from it can have a facial imbalance that gives him a more severe look. In addition, this dental and skeletal imbalance of the jaw can cause speech and periodontal health problems.

The available treatment to restore jaw alignment

Repositioning the jaws allows prognathism to be treated. This operation restores chewing and swallowing functions. In addition, it allows the patient to regain balance in the appearance of his face.

The maxillofacial surgeon is the specialist responsible for the repositioning procedure. The technique used is orthognathic surgery, which aims to restore normal jaw alignment. During this procedure, the upper and lower jaws are repositioned based on the cranium and facial skeleton. Depending on the case, the procedure may also include a genioplasty, which is related to functional chin surgery. This treatment is performed in collaboration with an orthodontist who positions the teeth properly.

Overcoming prognathism

Prognathism management and treatment begins with a formal consultation with a maxillofacial surgeon. During this first appointment, the specialist confirms the presence of this anomaly and informs the patient of the main issues of the procedure, which often has spectacular aesthetic effects, even if its primary purpose is to correct functional disorders.

Do you suffer from prognathism? The professionals at Clinique MFML perform orthognathic surgery for people whose health requires corrective jaw alignment. To learn more about this subject or to book an appointment, contact our clinic now.

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