What are the differences between a dental implant, a crown and a bridge?

The placement of a dental implant, crown or bridge is a common procedure in dentistry and maxillofacial surgery. However, each of them has its own advantages and applies to specific situations. Depending on the patient’s needs, whether to replace or restore teeth, the specialist will have to perform a different procedure.

Discover the differences between each of these dental procedures, their functionality and the medical process involved.

The dental implant, for replacing the natural root

The dental implant is a rod that is generally made of titanium and replaces the natural root of the tooth. It is inserted into the jaw bone by an oral and maxillofacial surgeon to hold a crown or dental bridge firmly in place permanently. Of the three procedures, it is the only one that requires surgery.

During healing, the bone produces a suitable environment for implant stabilization. The bone and implant fuse together, forming a durable foundation for the crown or bridge that will be added.

The dental implant is usually applied when the tooth being restored is so damaged that it has to be completely removed along with the root. It is a safe and durable solution that doesn’t affect the surrounding teeth, unlike the placement of a bridge, which requires substance to be removed from the adjacent teeth.

The crown, for restoring a damaged tooth

The crown is used to restore a damaged or decayed tooth to the appearance and function of a healthy tooth. It is a custom-made hollow artificial tooth, often made of composite or porcelain, that completely covers the damaged tooth or dental implant. A tooth with a crown is therefore protected against further damage.

The dental bridge, for replacing one or more missing teeth

The bridge is a fixed dental restoration that is intended to replace one or more teeth. Most bridges consist of an artificial tooth housed between two crowns and cover the entire toothless surface.

The bridge is held in place by healthy teeth on either side of the tooth-free area. As with the crown, it is custom-made to ensure the highest level of comfort, function and appearance.

If the adjacent teeth are too damaged or missing, the bridge can be placed on dental implants.

Dental implants, crowns and bridges: which is more advantageous?

The answer to this question depends entirely on your dental condition. The implant is often used when a tooth is missing and the adjacent teeth are in good condition.

It is also applied if the teeth are not suitable enough for the installation of a bridge or if the tooth to be restored is too damaged to support a crown. The implant is also a viable option if you want the best possible result: it is usually the most functional, aesthetic and durable replacement procedure.

If you have any questions about dental implant placement, you can contact us now. Our oral and maxillofacial surgery experts in Montreal have your dental well-being at heart and are trained to meet your dental needs.

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