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The Maxillofacial Surgeon and Oral Disease Diagnosis | Clinique MFML

What oral diseases can a maxillofacial surgeon detect?

Maxillofacial surgery is a discipline that focuses on diagnosing understanding diseases that affect the mouth, jaw and face. The surgeon’s job as a specialist in this field of medicine is to evaluate and treat the many diseases and conditions that affect this bodily region.

While these doctors sometimes treat minor mouth disorders, other times their intervention can literally save lives. They treat many diverse diseases. Here are some of the conditions that require their expertise.

The many forms of oral cancer

Oral cancer can develop in most parts of the mouth: lips, gums and throat. While most oral cancers affect people between 50 and 70 years of age, young people are by no means immune.

Alcohol and tobacco consumption contribute significantly to the emergence of this type of cancer, as does prolonged exposure to the sun.

If you experience pain or difficulty swallowing, bleeding and numbness in the mouth, and if you have red or white spots on your mucous membranes, it is recommended to consult a maxillofacial surgeon.

Since the list of symptoms is quite extensive, consult your specialist if you notice any other abnormalities.

A painful jaw

The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is located in front of the ears on either side of the head. It enables you to move your mouth to eat, talk and laugh.

A number of things can irritate or impair this joint. Sometimes these disorders result from physical injuries. However, arthritis can also be a factor, as well as poor lifestyle habits, including constantly grinding your teeth (also called bruxism) and clenching your jaw.

The maxillofacial surgeon identifies problems that affect this area of the mouth and his or her intervention depends on the severity and pain associated with the condition. Treatment can range from simple dental care to complex surgery. If you are currently experiencing oral pain, make an appointment with your surgeon right away.

Being wise with wisdom teeth

As the last teeth to develop, wisdom teeth can cause a number of problems. As a result, wisdom teeth extraction is sometimes unavoidable.. Their growth often poses problems and frequently requires intervention by a maxillofacial surgeon, since these third molars may emerge misaligned. As a result, their growth can cause swelling, pain and infection of the gum tissue surrounding the tooth.

A specialist doctor’s intervention aims to prevent and treat problems related to growth of wisdom teeth, in order to avoid the formation of cysts that can damage certain parts of the jaw.

However, since not only wisdom teeth may need to be removed, other teeth such as premolars can be affected. In any case, open wide and let your maxillofacial surgeon assess your dental condition to be sure.

A team of specialists dedicated to your oral health

The maxillofacial surgery domain is very broad and treats many diseases. This article was meant to briefly introduce you to some of them. To find out more, or if you’re currently experiencing pain in your mouth, don’t hesitate to contact our maxillofacial clinic by using our online form. Our surgeons will be happy to ensure your oral health so you can get on with life.

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