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Tooth Extraction During Pregnancy: Advisable or Not?

Can you have a tooth pulled during pregnancy?

Going to a maxillofacial surgeon isn’t always fun. When you’re pregnant, these appointments can sometimes be a source of discomfort due to back pain, increased gum sensitivity, more nausea, etc.

The good news is that dental cleanings and a variety of other common treatments are safe during pregnancy. But what about other procedures, such as having a tooth extracted? It’s not just a question of the extraction itself—anaesthetics, 3D x-rays and pain medication also need to be considered.

Are you pregnant and wondering if you can have a tooth pulled during pregnancy?

In this article, our team will answer the following questions:

  • When is the best time to get a tooth pulled during pregnancy?
  • Are x-rays safe during pregnancy?
  • Is anaesthesia possible during pregnancy?
  • How can pain be managed after surgery?

When is the best time to get a tooth pulled during pregnancy?

Teeth can be extracted during pregnancy. The second trimester is best for non-urgent dental procedures.

The first trimester is always more uncertain when it comes to the fetus’s development, and during the third trimester, it can be uncomfortable to lie on your back for long periods of time.

Of course, if a dental emergency occurs, go see a maxillofacial surgeon, regardless of which trimester you’re in.

Are x-rays safe during pregnancy?

3D x-rays are often recommended before having a tooth pulled, whether you are pregnant or not. However, depending on the case, dental radiology may be delayed until after the pregnancy.

Dental x-rays don’t emit enough radiation to endanger fetuses or pregnant people, particularly since patients always wear a lead apron for maximum protection.

However, since dental x-rays are not always indicated, maxillofacial surgeons may be able to skip them during pregnancy. Decisions are made on a case by case basis.

If you would like to find out more, this document presents an overview of x-rays during pregnancy.

Is anaesthesia for a tooth extraction dangerous during pregnancy?

In simple cases, local anaesthesia is enough to remove a tooth during pregnancy. This procedure is safe for pregnant people and their babies. For complex dental extractions, intravenous sedation may be considered.

At our clinic, we always discuss options with our pregnant patients in order to provide them with the best care. No decision is made without giving you all the information you need to make a free and informed choice.

If you have concerns, we invite you to discuss them with your maxillofacial surgeon.

How can you manage pain after a tooth extraction if you are pregnant?

A tooth extraction can result in a variety of complications. Pain is probably the most common complication, and it is completely normal.

How can pain be treated after a tooth extraction during pregnancy?

Acetaminophen, a popular painkiller, is the only over-the-counter analgesic that can be used during pregnancy. Acetaminophen is both effective and safe for the baby.

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), on the other hand, are contraindicated for pain relief during pregnancy.

Regardless of the situation, your maxillofacial surgeon will always give you postoperative instructions to follow after the extraction.

Don’t neglect your dental health during pregnancy

As we have just seen, it is indeed possible to have a tooth pulled during pregnancy. Rest assured that your maxillofacial surgeon is well-versed in this type of situation. All you need to do is talk to them about it.

If you have a tooth that hurts and needs to be removed, we recommend that you contact your maxillofacial surgeon without delay. You will be in good hands.

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