Angular Cheilitis or Perleche: Understanding and Treating this Common Condition

perleche or angular cheilitis
Angular Cheilitis or Perleche: Understanding and Treating this Common Condition

Angular cheilitis, also known as perleche, occurs when the corners of the mouth become red, cracked and painful. One of the main causes is infection by fungi or bacteria. These germs thrive in moist places, and since the corners of the lips can stay damp from saliva, they are vulnerable to developing this type of infection. Angular cheilitis condition can be irritating, but with antifungal or antibiotic creams, it can heal quickly.

Angular Cheilitis risk factors

Specific factors can increase the risk of developing angular cheilitis. For example, repeated exposure of the lips to moisture, such as saliva, can exacerbate irritation. People wearing poorly fitted dentures or braces are also at greater risk, as these devices can irritate the corners of the mouth. Certain medical conditions, such as diabetes or a weakened immune system, reduce the body’s ability to defend itself against infection. Even a vitamin deficiency, such as vitamin B, can make a person more likely to develop angular cheilitis.


Common symptoms of angular cheilitis


The main symptoms of perleche are redness and cracking at the corners of the lips, which can sometimes even bleed or form scabs. Sufferers can experience pain and a burning sensation, especially when eating, talking or smiling. Itching in the affected area is also common. If these symptoms appear, it’s important to consult a healthcare professional for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment.


Solutions for preventing angular cheilitis


There are several ways to treat angular cheilitis effectively. Applying antifungal or antibiotic creams to the affected area is often recommended to fight infection. Keeping the corners of the lips well moisturized with lip balms can also help prevent dryness and irritation.  It’s always important to improve oral hygiene by brushing regularly and flossing. If perleche persists, we recommend consulting a healthcare professional to explore other treatment options and identify any underlying causes.


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