Our mission is to maximize your well-being while providing quality specialized surgical care!
At Clinique MFML, we focus our concerns on the well-being of our patients. We continuously strive to provide you with optimal and personalized care. Moreover, our team wishes to provide you with a peaceful and comfortable environment. We pride ourselves in establishing relationships built on trust between patient and specialist from the very first meeting. Below you will find some useful information and preparatory advice to ease you into your first visit!

How to prepare for your first visit
To provide you with the quality care you deserve, we need to familiarize ourselves with your situation. Therefore, we will ask you to complete a short medical questionnaire during your first consultation. To facilitate the process, this questionnaire is is available online. You can complete it at your convenience and submit it to us before your visit. If you do not wish to start the process online, make sure to arrive to your appointment a few minutes in advance so that we can present you with a copy to be filled out on our premises.
We also ask you to provide us with certain documents, if applicable, so that we can understand your situation in depth. Among other things, you will need to present us with:
- The list of medications you are currently taking;
- A paper with your dentist’s referral;
- As well as the X-rays they may have given you beforehand.
Payment and insurance
For your first visit, please anticipate the consultation fee that will be payable at the end of your appointment. During your initial consultation with our team, an estimate of the fees will be provided to you. This evaluation is based on the type of treatment for which you are seeking consultation. A member of our clinic will be happy to explain the procedures in detail and inform you about how the costs are calculated. Fees are payable on the day of the procedure.
In regard to payment, we accept VISA and MASTERCARD credit cards, direct payment and cash. It is important to remember that the services offered by Clinique MFML are tax deductible and, following your treatment payment, you will receive a receipt for this purpose.
To ensure that your visit proceeds in the best possible way, we will provide you with a completed form that will facilitate your insurance claim.
Waiting for treatment? Follow our instructions
We want to make sure that we provide you with the best possible treatments and the most peaceful recovery period. As such, we offer advice and instructions to follow before and after your procedure to maximize the benefits of your surgeries and minimize the inconvenience.
If you would like to have more information about our payment methods or about our treatments, do not hesitate to contact us by phone at 514 637-1606 (Montreal) or 514 394-7979 (South Shore), or by email at